Placed on the cylinder head or engine block, it records the temperature reached in the range of 88-110 degrees Celsius.
Temperature recorder characteristics:
- five-point temperature scale from 88 to 110 degrees Celsius,
- temperature recording with an accuracy of 5 degrees Celsius,
- self-adhesive (sticker) ideal for placement in coolant channel plugs,
- permanently adheres to the surface,
- easy to remove in case of disassembly.
How to use:
Before use, thoroughly clean and degrease the surface under the recorder. Peel off the protective paper.
Place in target location and press.
NOTE: Do not expose the recorder to direct contact with liquids, which may result in damage and incorrect temperature indication.
Mark: •POLOK Sp. z o.o.
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POL-RT-88110 Testery temperatury (10/0.5x100mm), id: 1856
1 x 123,12 PLN\/pcs.
Discount granted: 4,03%
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